Sunday, September 23, 2007

That's great, but what are you gonna call it?

was playing a parlour game the other day, with a bunch of Esteemed Reprobates, and we started talking about what one would call one’s memoirs, should the need arise.

I think I would call mine ‘I Hate You All But I’m Only Going to Blackmail Some of You’. There were some other good entries, to: ‘I Tried Jogging Once, But the Ice Kept Spilling Out of My Drink’ (although it was pointed out that this was actually a quotation from David Lee Roth), ‘The Next Time You Are in Doubt About Self-Immolation, Just Go Right Ahead’, and 'If You Are Reading This, You Will Go Blind'.

Readers are invited to come up with their own.

The entries will be judged by a panel of aphorism experts and prizes doled out accordingly.


teigan said...

We had a similar thread on a blog of mine once - unfortunately all the comments were lost when it got hacked; shame, there were some gems.

Nothing to beat "I Hate You All, But I'm Only Going To Blackmail Some Of You", though. Gold.

evan said...

Thanks mate. I crack me up sometimes.